The Astrology of Kung Fu Kenny
Holding a telescope to GNX, Superbowl LIX, and the next surprise album?

If you missed my excitement a couple months ago, Kendrick Lamar released a surprise album. And to the internet's disbelief, I correctly picked the exact date four months prior. So of course, the people wanted to know how I did it and more importantly can I do it again?
In order to explain how, we have to take a deep dive into secondary progressions. It's an ancient astrology tactic but it might get a little confusing if you are only familiar with sun sign horoscopes.
Essentially it is a chart that correlates the first days of your life with the corresponding number of years. (i.e. the transits one might experience at a week old might be analagous to their seventh year of life)
I know it sounds ridiculous like it should just be a fun thing to look at it in your free time. But just basing it off my own life, it is eerily accurate at finding the dates of major changes.
For example, when my progressed moon traveled over my IC, which correlates with home and family life, my dad died. And with the moon being associated with emotions, the exact day of my progressed lunar return, my now-wife and I officially became a couple.
To be honest, if I would have known how accurate progressed astrology was previously, I would have taken notes on each day my youngest experienced as a baby. But if you are in the majority who didn't, anybody who knows their birth time could look their own up and see if it corresponds with their major life events.
I was able to use this strategy to predict the release of GNX. Kendrick Lamar has a loaded 10th house which usually manifests in the areas of public image and career.
Mr. Duckworth was born with a concentration of planets at the highest point in the sky known as the medium coeli, modernally known as the midheaven or MC.
This concentration includes Mercury of communication, Mars of will, Lillith of empowerment, and his part of fortune, which is…good fortune, all within a 10° range. With Mars and Fortuna actually being exact!
Usually the moon will move through a sign in 2.5 days but in a progressed chart it spends about two years in each sign. So any activity that alligns in that area of the sky likely will lead to something very noticeable.
And on 11/22 the moon conjuncted with his natal midheaven, which is a big deal! When this happened for me, I was 12 and won my prized possession, my one and only trophy for being the Top Writer in the school at my 5th grade graduation.
But outside of chiron, my MC is standard 10th house material. But he has four extra placements including a 10th house Mars (which is the signature of those who desire to be at the top; Beyonce, Kanye, Elvis, Eminem, etc.) so I knew this would be something momentous for him.
And I can say the same for the upcoming transits on the day he is listed to perform at Superbowl LXI. Using this same staretegy, I'm predicting this will be an amazing day for him. Just in his natal birth chart, it's his Mars Return conjunct the transiting moon at the very peak of his Sade Sita. Not to mention, transiting Jupiter connecting with Natal Venus (for emphasis Saturn was at the same exact degree for the Pop Out Show last June.)

When he announced the halftime show, his progressed Venus conjuncted that Natal Lillith and in February, it will take its turn dancing on the MC close to the Mars/Fortuna collab.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, this will probably sound like another language and adding more details won't really help. Maybe that's why my original prediction went completely ignored. In addition to the fact that K.Dot was hot then and no one was expecting him to coast off of Not Like Us that long without dropping an album.
But the day of, my notifications went crazy. Some X page found my tweet and every one wanted to know my secret.
And even though people asked for my cash app ( btw) and thought I'd be raking in the dough. Literally only one person followed those exact instructions.

But that's okay because I've heard talks of GNX having a sequel to arrive before the Superbowl and if I had to pick, I'd say around the week of MLK Day.
On the 22th (exactly two months from GNX) Venus will conjunct his Natal moon and his Mars will return to his stellium retrograded.
But that's only to say that if there will be an album, this would be my guess. I'm still not convinced he will but that's my take on the possibility. Come back and yell at me if I'm wrong, drop any questions in the comments below, and if you are interested in what the stars have to say about you, check my website to schedule a reading.

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